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Career Counselling – Why it is important!

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The Quest Guidance Center | By Sneha Verma (Career Counselor & Coach)

Career Counselling – Why it is important! 2020

How careers are generally made – good scores, good college, and a popular course

There seems to be no awareness about finding yourself. What are your inherent capabilities, your inherent strengths, your likings – no one not even you are interested in finding that.

A perfect career is designed when you look into yourself, your capabilities, your strengths, and accordingly search for career possibilities.

There are thousands of opportunities in every field, the only requirement is to align yourself with the system – find out what suits you best and then work on it.

Important steps in career planning:

  • Know yourself
  • Research for options in your area of interest.
  • Chalk out the entire path to reach that career destination – (subjects to study at School level, courses which will be helpful, college best suited for that course), and work systematically for a successful career.

Now the challenge for a student is – where to find sufficient time to plan a career. Because as soon as a child reaches class 9 or 10 they are burdened with the never endings classes and piles of the syllabus.

So a planned career path goes out of window and focus goes on scoring good marks.

That is the reason everyone is following a set pattern that others are following. Not realizing that you are a different individual and something different might work better for you.

Here comes the role of a career counselor. They are trained professionals with good experience and expertise. With the help of psychometric assessment tools and personal counseling sessions, they provide the student with various career options suitable for them. Student can choose and work on that particular option he/she likes. They also help in choosing the best-suited course and college to reach their dream career destination. Mentors are required in every field so why not take professional help when you are designing the most important aspect of your life.


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